Wednesday 20 November 2013

Photoshoot (changes made)

Why is it important to carry out a photoshoot, especially when creating a digipak and magazine advert?

A photo shoot is a vital process when creating a digipak and magazine as this provides the target audience with relevant pictures of the artist in which they can connect with, maintaining their interest of the artist as they are in the public eye for audience to see. Lack of images when creating such ancillaries could arguably effect their ability to appeal to the target audience, as they become uninterested with the artist for they have nothing to relate to; in order to first listen to the CD within the digipak, or read the magazine, the target audience are initially drawn by its visual appeal and therefore, a photo shoot is vital during production in order for consumption. Furthermore, if we were to use pre-existing photographs of the artist rather than doing a photo shoot, this increases the risk of not capturing the current image of the artist as to what their current style is etc, thus disinteresting the audience as the artist becomes too familiar; they are bombarded with the same photographs of the artist and therefore have nothing to maintain their interest.

For Example:

Here a photograph taken from a photoshoot that Rihanna did in 2005. Her image appears very natural, minimalistic and conventional for a young female pop artist; characteristics that suggest what she is like as a person and therefore provides her target audience with a representation that they can connect with in order to build a relationship. This in turn encourages them to maintain such interest.

However, this photograph was taken from a photoshoot of Rihanna in 2013, a much contrasting photoshoot when compared to her previous one in 2005. Her head is shaven, she has several tattoos and she appears to be smoking; a much more rebellious representation. However, the target audience are still provided with the indication of what she is like as a person and therefore by doing photoshoots throughout her career, she is keeping her fans up to date as to what she is like, rather than continuing to release the same picture from 2005 and appear boring. This is an example of how photoshoots provide an effective representation of what the artist is like, and when and how they are changing.

What images did you take and why? 

We conducted the photoshoot in the forest for we felt this was effective in creating the representation of the artist as being natural and down to earth; conventional to the genre and therefore appealing to our target audience. Furthermore, it is a relevant location to our music video and therefore the audience can associate the photoshoot with the music video, reinforcing the coherence of her image. Below are some of the pictures taken for the photoshoot.

Where will your images be used and why? 

These pictures taken from the photoshoot we carried out will be used in the making of both our digipak and the magazine advert. Digipaks typically provide informations on the artist and therefore photos are effective in representing the artist, as the visual encourages the audience to interpret them. For example, each photograph is taken in a forest and therefore the nature in the photograph is an addition to the representation of the artist as it signifies her natural image. Therefore not only will the written aspect of the digipak provide information but so will the pictures. Furthermore, the pictures will also be used in the creation of out magazine advert. Magazines are a mass method of advertisement and therefore provides the ideal solution of creating awareness of the artist. In which case, the photo must be effective in portraying the representation of the artist, identical to who she actually is in order to increase genuine appeal. 

How are your images conventional to your genre?

Here are two examples of magazine adverts based on indie artists; both holding a guitar. Previous to carrying out the photoshoot we decided that we must include some pictures of the artist holding a guitar as this is a convention of the indie genre for it represents them as talented rather than an artist who is deceitful in their talent and are rather constructed for consumption. Therefore when doing the photoshoot we took several of the artist holding the guitar in order to create such representation and increasing the appeal in which our target audience were to feel. It also allows the target audience to recognise such talent in order to be able to relate to it through similar talents and interests of their own which encourages them to relate to the artist, feeling closer to them and building a relationship.

Furthermore, her is an example of another magazine advert for Florence and the Machine, another Indie artist. Similarly to our own photoshoot, this advert has incorporated the theme of nature to represent the artist. The suggested qualities of being natural and down to earth are often signified through nature and therefore conventional to the genre; for these are the qualities deemed appealing to the target audience.Therefore, when creating our ancillary products, such theme will be portrayed in order to conform to convention.

Include one example of how you photoshop to create a conventional product

When editing the photographs from the photoshoot in order to be used for the digipak, we used photoshop in order to soften the colours as we felt the brightness of the picture connoted the pop genre. By softening the photo, we felt it conformed to the indie genre increasingly as it became more subtle and natural. Furthermore, we edited the nature around the artist to stand out and therefore reinforce the representation of her being natural, as well as ensuring her lipstick remained prominent as this is also a convention of the indie genre.

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates an excellent understanding of why a photoshoot is essential to carry out. You have focused on the purpose well and you have considered the reasons behind taking certain images. Your analysis also demonstrates an excellent understanding of the conventions of indie music well too.
