Monday 14 October 2013

Vox Pops

Vox Pops

As further research we also decided to create a voxpop, allowing us to interview our potential target audience on more detailed aspects of the music video. Overall, we interviewed 5 people so that we could focus on what each of them had to say individually rather than an overall opinion that the questionnaire provided. Here are the 5 people that we interviewed and what they had to say:

To undertake the production of the voxpop, we created 5 new questions to ask participants. We went to the common room and found 5 available people to interview. Once we had filmed the interviews, we then edited the material we had, in order for all incorrect pauses etc to be cut out, allowing the footage to flow effectively. We then added an effect that allows us to see the person's name and the question that they are being asked, in order for us to be able to reference it quickly.

Overall, the process of filming and editing the vox pop went successfully as there were no issues when carrying this out. However, because we were in a restricted location, our sample was too. It consisted of 13-19 year olds and therefore we did not ask anyone older in terms of their preferences regarding music videos. However we did interview our main target audience and to our advantage, can now recognise what they favour in detail. The vox pop will assist us in planning our music video as it identifies what appeals to our target audience and therefore we can include this in both the planning and production process in order to appeal to them.

Aim to explain how your research will assist you with planning your music video in further detail. This can be achieved by focusing on the style and content.

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates some understanding of why further primary research is important to consider.

    Aim to explain how your research will assist you with planning your music video in further detail. This can be achieved by focusing on the style and content.
